About My Work

I have always felt a strong connection to nature. Whether I was out hiking, swimming in the ocean, or collecting house plants. Humans are deeply rooted in nature because we are all a part of it. I feel as if we are becoming more and more disconnected from it with every day that passes. Social media has become such a large part of everyone’s lives causes us to become more materialistic and expect everything in the world to be perfect. My work is about reconnecting my viewers to the world around them reminding them just how beautiful it is. In my work, I use light and shadow to show all the different nuances in flowers and in the leaves of different plants. I try to keep my paintings delicate and colorful, yet realistic to show how beautiful nature can be. I hope my work inspires viewers to pay more attention to the magnificence of the natural world in their everyday lives.

In the beginning of 2023, I started working on themed tic-tac-toe boards. After seeing a plain ceramic board, I thought about how I could "reinvent" the game and make it a fun and functional piece of art. I love the idea of art that can be held and used. I want my art to be something that you can have on your coffee table and play with while catching up with friends. Something that sparks conversation about what art is and can be. There are endless themes and ideas that I have for these boards as well as other board games. I hope my work can be a reminder that art can be functional too, it doesn't have to be something that is protected behind glass in a museum. It can be fun and playful, and a beautiful conversation starter. 


BA Studio Art | University of South Florida